San Bernardino County Virtual FAM
Client: San Bernardino County
Goal: Introduce SBC’s attractions and people to journalists and inspire interest in visiting/writing about the region
Capabilities: Social Media Strategy, Influencer Relations, Media Relations
Actions: Team McCue used a Livestream tool to develop an #ExploreSanBerDO Virtual Travel Chat, to which we invited two dozen journalists in key target markets. We scripted the event, drafting talking points for destination and attraction representatives, each of whom demonstrated something unique about their organization—from dance, to live animals to music! 14 influencers participated live from their homes, and McCue engaged them in real-time answering questions or feeding live questions to stakeholders on camera.
– 341 total related tweets
– 297,320 total impressions
– 3,863,196 reach
– 3 individual media visits
– 1 recorded webinar for client assets